A Non-Profit Organization
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       Workshop/School of Sewing  and Design

 Serious social problem of an unemployment is what surround a lot of communities in countries from South and Central America.
The main purpose of this project is to generate employment and to contribute to the economy of the communities been help and to their surrounding.
 Our school will start by offering a course of Sewing and Design,the course will take a period of three months,our students will have to attend class three times a week completing a total of 160 hours of classroom.
This course will teach our students the skills to manufacture ready made articles,confection work(fancy work)etc.
Once they finish the course the next stage will be to qualify a minimum of 60 new professionals,and with them will carry on by implementing a Mutual Corporation where we  will begin to manufacture and commercialize our product.
By continuing the course constant monitoring and eventually adjusting the amount of production;This scenario will bring us ways so we can use it efficiently for the good of the public and profitable to themselves.
By implementing this system not only they would learn the skills, but they will also have the chance to be productive,in other words we will teach our students the skills and once they finish the course,they would also have the opportunity of having a job.
It will take between 12 to 14 months to be able to reach the point of equilibrium,this would give us the knowledge and security that we need so we can continue guaranteeing this project and the people that had participated.
If you are interested in supporting our efforts ,please consider making a donation and getting involved with this project.
          If you need more information you can go to our contact page or at:
                                                   Phone:  305-757-1549
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